Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Kindness of Strangers

We returned from the library not long ago. We had gone to get yet more books on insects. C's current project focuses on insects and we just can't get enough of them. But I digress.

As we were walking to the car we saw a man on a bike pedalling through the parking lot and out on his way to who knows where with a toy in one hand while steering the bike with the other. It was a Star Wars toy. C saw him and said out loud with all his boy enthusiasm, "I like that ship that he has!" as the gentleman sped past. I smiled and kept on walking. It was a ship from Star Wars. Large and very cool and I wasn't at all surprised to hear this exclamation. Suddenly we see that the man has turned around and is pedalling towards us. His arms are covered in tattoos, he didn't have much if any hair on his head, and had an earring I think. Probably in this mid 40s. Not exactly a picture that screams "soft spot for kids." He says "You do?!" and he lets C examine it closer. The toy looked clean and was large. Probably would have cost $50 or up at Toy R Us. Nothing we would ever have been able to imagine justifying as a purchase - even for a birthday. I smile and think that was a nice thing to do. C says "I wish I had this ship!" I am just about to explain that yes, it is a nice ship but it is not his it is the man's. But the guy just says, "Really? Well, it's yours." Elation. The man tells me he just found it with some other toys and since he collects this kind of thing he had picked it up. I asked him if he was sure and told him it was a very kind thing to do and he pedalled away.

An unexpectedly kind gesture from someone unexpected. Thank you Mr. Tattoo Bike Rider, where ever you are. You have given a lot of joy to this child today.

You never know who you're looking at - who your talking to. The outer appearance should mean so little, but we allow it to mean so much.

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